About Us

Ananda Ayurvedic Hospital

The Touch Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda defines a "healthy body, as one that clear of toxins and abode of peaceful mind, balanced emotions with normal excretions and organs functioning naturally. A busy life accumulates toxins and stress affecting body and mental functions. This invites chronic degenerative non specific diseases. Panchakarma can prevent these negative effects. It can restore the natural state of health by cleansing toxins, bringing balance to the system and improving body functions. It can bring positive changes in lifestyle. It is a natural holistic and therapeutic process that cleans the deep tissues and open the subtle channels to bring life enhancing energy, increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well being.

Ananda Ayurvedic Hospital - Our Vision

Our Vision - The Integrated Approach Of medical And Traditional Ways For Physical, mental And Spiritual Well Being

Ananda Ayurvedic Hospital

Our Mentors




C. E. O

Ananda Ayurvedic Hospital

Board Of Directors


C. E. O


Senior Specialist