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Treatments Packages

Rejuvenation Therapy


Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikitsa) in Ayurveda aids in toning up the skin and strengthening body tissues so as to facilitate longevity. The overall resistance of the body increases as well, due to the optimisation of the 'Ojas' (primary vitality) and the 'Sattva' (mental clarity). The therapy also includes body and face massages using special herbal oils and creams that are tailor made as per the needs of the patient. Other treatment methods include special medicines as per the constitution of the patient along with medicinal steam baths.

Remedy For Low Back Pain


Lower back pain is a very common and pervasive health complaint. As someone who suffered from it for several years, I've found many solutions from the time-tested medical tradition of Ayurveda, which is the sister science of yoga. Ayurveda is a remarkable system of healing from ancient India that is re-emerging now after many years of being suppressed by British rule of India. I teach about the root causes of lower back (and other types of) pain, based on an Ayurvedic perspective. The solutions below have worked wonders for me because they address the root causes of pain, which Ayurveda would attribute to excess of a fundamental constituent of the body called vata dosha. There are three such fundamental constituents of the individual body — and the world around us — with each made up of a different combination of the five great elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Vata dosha is made of ether and air. The following solutions reduce vata dosha, and thereby work wonders in reducing pain, particularly lower back pain.

Fat Reduction Therapy


Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of the modern age. It is characterized by excess accumulation of fat in the body. Continuous indulgence in high fat, fried foods, along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting blocked in various body channels. Obesity in turn causes a number of metabolic disturbances such as hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion etc. It can affect social life too. Overweight, if not controlled, can lead to obesity.



Is stress playing a bigger role in your life than you would like it to? For most of us, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! Stress is a fairly universal element of the modern human experience, and while some stress is appropriate, even productive, we now know that too much stress can be quite harmful, and can compromise our health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ayurveda offers a beautiful perspective on stress management, but in order to better understand it, we will first explore the potential consequences of excess stress and establish a contextual understanding of the human stress response..

Arthritis & Spondaylitis


Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rheumatic disease with various skeletal and extra skeletal manifestations. No satisfactory treatment is available in modern medicine for this disorder. Various Panchakarma procedures and Ayurvedic drugs have been proved useful for these manifestations. We present a case of AS, which was treated for two months with a combination of Panchakarma procedures and Ayurvedic drugs. Ayurvedic treatments, in this case, were directed toward alleviating symptoms and to reduce severe disability. The patient was considered suffering from Asthimajja gata vata (∼Vata disorder involving bone and bone marrow) and was treated with Shalishastika Pinda Svedana (sudation with medicated cooked bolus of rice) for one month and Mustadi Yapana Basti (enema with medicated milk) with Anuvasana (enema with Asvagandha oil) in 30 days schedule along with oral Ayurvedic drugs for two months. Pratimarsha nasya (nasal drops) with Anu Taila (oil) for one month was given after completion of Basti procedure. Patient's condition was assessed for symptoms of Asthimajja gata vata and core sets of Assessment of Spondylo Arthritis International Society showed substantial improvement. This study shows the cases of AS may be successfully managed with Ayurvedic treatment.

Gynecological Problems


The science of life--Ayurveda is practiced in India since time immemorial. Besides being cheap and easily available Ayurvedic drugs are considered safe. Moreover, there is surge in the interest in Ayurveda due to quest of alternative medicines. Many of the gynecological disorders being not reported to the physicians, are treated with household remedies in India. The science of Ayurveda deals with these issues in a systematic manner as evident from the classification of diseases available and the number of plant drugs or the combinations thereof available for the treatment. In the present article, Ayurvedic herbal formulations and single plant drugs used traditionally in treatment of gynecological disorders are described.

Menstrual Problems


The human body is a delicate balancing act, and never more so than during a woman's monthly cycle. Fortunately, Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham offers a complete understanding of this balancing act.

Western doctors have started to recommend behavioral changes such as getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and eating a healthy diet.

The Council of Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham Physicians concurs, but Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham goes far beyond. This ancient science of health understands the variety of root causes and offers a wealth of techniques for re-creating balance — each targeted to a specific situation.

However, a simple understanding lies at the basis of this comprehensive ayurvedic approach: menstruation is an opportunity, not a problem. It is a chance for a woman's body to purify. Respect that opportunity, facilitate it, and you will feel greater comfort.

This understanding alone helps many women. Take the case of Ginger. When she was younger, she didn't let her period slow her down. "I wasn't the type to take it easy," she says. "Typically, I was out there doing everything I'd normally do." And unfortunately Ginger suffered the consequences. Her periods became more and more difficult, and finally she developed a condition that involved a thickening of the lining of the uterus. Now Ginger approaches her monthly cycle with a changed approach and with greater respect.

Rest Brings Relief

Female Infertility


The World Health Organization (WHO) calls infertility “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”
Infertility can occur in both women and men. Primary infertility is infertility in a couple who have never had a child, while secondary infertility is failure to conceive following a previous pregnancy. A woman who doesn’t conceive and/or is unable to carry a full-term pregnancy is labeled as infertile.

Causes of infertility in women

Infertility in women is caused by many factors like infections and ageing amongst others like the following:

High FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the body. It stimulates follicle growth in the ovary and causes the eggs to mature for fertilization. FSH levels increase with age and high FSH levels in blood can mean that the ovaries are not functioning too well and hence it can be a likely reason for infertility.
Blocked fallopian tubes - Blocked fallopian tubes or ‘fallopian tube obstruction’ is the biggest reason for infertility in women. We all know that fertilization happens inside the fallopian tubes, so an obstruction here means an absence of fertilization and pregnancy.
Endometriosis - Women with endometriosis experience a drop in fertility by almost 12-35%. It is a condition where the lining of the uterus starts growing, not in the uterus, but elsewhere in the abdomen i.e. ovaries, fallopian tube and the pelvic area.
Fibroids- These are non-cancerous tumours inside or around the uterus. Age- The biggest reason for infertility in women is their age. If a woman’s age is 35 plus, her ovaries do not function properly and release less eggs, which are not very healthy. Hormonal imbalance - These cause ovulatory malfunctions and poor egg development. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) - PCOS is a type of hormonal imbalance, which leads to production of excessive male hormones in a woman’s body, thereby causing infertility.

Pre Post Delivery Care


For a mother, the first few months after delivery are crucial since the uterus after expanding due to delivery, shrinks back to its normal size. Moreover the tendons, ligaments and muscles connected to the uterus begin to regain the power and strength lost during labor. A lot of emphasis is put on postnatal care in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda suggested diet tips:
According to your digestive system, you must take Sesame oil i.e. Til oil and ghee i.e. clarified butter after mixing it with panchkola. Once this mixture has been digested, you must consume rice gruel and milk that is medicated with Vidharigandhadi gana or panchkola. Apart from these, you must consume jaggery water for about a week. After a week, you must eat foods that are easily digestible to help you regain your strength.

Do's and Don'ts:

1. Do massage yourself with Vatahara Oil
2. Do bathe with warm water
3. Do keep your perineum and breasts clean
4. Do urinate every 5 hours
5. Do breastfeed properly
6. Don't consume food irregularly
7. Don't have stale or cold food
8. Don't retain urine or feces
9. Don't indulge in sex or exercise



Excessive discharge of a white, sticky, foul-smelling material from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. This common problem may occur due to unhygienic conditions, infection of the genital tract, or impaired immune function. In Ayurveda, Leucorrhoea is known as Shveta Pradar, where Shveta means ‘white’, and Pradar means ‘discharge’. Leucorrhoea treatment in Ayurveda is more effective because it evaluates all aspects during diagnosis, and also uses Artificial intelligence to arrive at a precise diagnosis of the root-cause. This enables Jiva doctor to provide personalized medicines that are effective.

Pre & Post Menopausal Problems


Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham offers a new line of products for menopausal symptoms that are not only effective but safe. When research on hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) was suddenly discontinued by a federally-funded research program this summer, it made headlines. A combination of artificial estrogen and progestin, HRT has been used by millions of women as a solution to a wide range of menopausal problems from hot flashes to wrinkle-free skin.

The reason for discontinuing HRT research: despite the fact that HRT has been promoted by doctors and researchers as a way to protect women against heart disease for the past thirty years, the study proved that the opposite is true. Long-term use of HRT actually increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and clotting, and thus the 16,000 subjects involved in HRT research were at too high a risk to continue. In addition, the study definitively proved what was already indicated in 30 previous studies — that HRT also increases the risk of breast cancer.

The HRT study was conducted by the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), one of the largest research programs ever undertaken, involving over 160,000 women subjects. The WHI was begun in 1991 by the National Institutes of Health and is considered the definitive word on women's health by most doctors due to its rigorous design.

So what is a woman to do? Millions of women now feel abandoned, adrift in a sea of symptoms without relief. Many are turning to Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham for help. Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham Products has recently developed a complete line of products to treat specific menopausal issues such as hot flashes, memory loss, mood swings, urinary tract infections, and reduced sexual desire. These products effectively treat these issues without harmful side effects. Even more importantly, the wisdom of Ananda Ayurveda Hospital Tholuzham offers practical and effective ways to prevent these disorders from happening at all.