Avagaha Swedam

Avagaha Swedam

It is an ayurvedic method of sudation(sweating) to remove toxins. The patient’s body is submerged in medicated oil or decoction up to neck is termed as Avagaha Swedan. This process helps in fomentation to the body. Avagaha Sweda gives relief from pain and inflammation. Patients experience immediate sense of relief from pain and body stiffness. Avagaha Sweda is sweating by immersion and is a part of Purva Karma treatment prior to Panchkarma, Here, the patient is made to sweat while seated in a large tub.

Treatment of hernia, painful urination, rheumatism & diseases caused due to deranged vata humor. easily. Swedana liquifies the doshas, clears the obstruction of channels of circulation and directs thedoshas to selective places from where they can be expelled. This Ayurvedic therapy is capable of treating burnt, poisoning, dehydration, insomnia.

Avagaha Sweda is a type of sudation in which the patient who has been given Abhyanga (herbal oil massage) is made to lie down to the neck level in a tub big enough to accommodate a person, filled with medicinal decoctions and other liquids.

The person (patient) who is to be given Avagaha Sweda is given Abhyanga (herbal oil massage) with Vatahara tailas (oils which alleviate vitiated vata). He is later made to sit in a big tub having the dimensions enough to accommodate him. He should sit in the tub such that his neck and head are out of the tub. The tub should be filled with hot vatahara dravas (liquids having vata alleviating property).