Kashaya Vasthi

Kashaya Vasthi

Vasti is considered to be quite important in Panchakarma. Basically, you might not understand the term. Let us explain you in a simple language. Vasti refers to medicated enema. The medications go directly to the bowels without any sort of enzymatic actions. Moreover, they are highly effective too.

Kashaya Vasti is also categorized under the “Vasti” treatment. In this, our therapists will apply heat to specific parts of the body with the help of warm medicated oils. This way, the body can be rejuvenated and be relieved from swelling, tension and pain. With this Ayurvedic therapy, acute and chronic back pain, lumbar spondylitis, prolapsed disc, osteoporosis and sciatica can be relieved.

Basically, Kashaya Vasti is a procedure which helps you get rid of impure doshas and toxins. When they leave the body, everything is purified from within. A mixture of Ayurvedic oils, rock-salt, honey and paste is used in this procedure. Our therapist will perfectly mix this mixture till a proper homogeneous mix is obtained.

Then, he will fill this mixture i.e. amalgam into a sac made up of leather. After that, it would be tied and wrapped to the vasti yantra or the vasti instrument. Proper massage is done on the body so that the patient feels warm. Even the anus is massaged thoroughly with oil. When this procedure is done, our therapist will introduce this paste through the patient’s rectum. It is very important to keep in mind that food should be consumed on previous night before the therapy.

When the mixture is introduced through the rectum, the patient is asked to relax and lie back. Our therapists will massage the abdomen of the patient; this is done till the time the patient feels a strong urge of going to the toilet. When the bowel movements are proper, the therapy is considered to be a success.